
Connecting Equestrians from Around the World

My 2022 Challenge

Late for the party.

I mean the 2022 party. While all around me people seem to be posting their 2022 projects, I’m thinking of why I’m not doing one.

I’ve been reading about the 365 projects or weekly photo assignments. They all seem interesting but, I haven’t signed up for any of them!

The 365 project for example.

I could do that, but right now I chose not to. You see, like most photographers I can take 365 images in one afternoon. But to what end.

Is it a photo essay about your life? 

Your surroundings? 

 Feelings, people, technique? I don’t quite get it.

I’ve never done one and I think committing to a 365 project would leave me, quite frankly, wandering around aimlessly pointing my camera at something.

I think I require more focus (Ha, pun not intended – well maybe).

So I’ve decided my own yearly photo assignments divided by month to help me grow as a photographer. Each month a technique or a general topic to provide some direction.

Laura Kelland-May takes a photograph of red berries covered in winter snow
red berries covered in winter snow, Miner’s Marsh, Kentville

If you decide to join me for this photo challenge use the Instagram #Latefor2022.
You can follow me on instagram @KellandMayPhotos (https://www.instagram.com/kellandmayphotos/)

This is by no means an exhaustive list. You can do your own challenge as well.

  • 100 Step challenge – take photos for 1 minute at 100 steps from your back door.
  • Backyard photography – stay in your backyard for 1 hour and take photos.
  • Street Photography – stay in one place for an hour and snap some pictures.
  • Pets.
  • You name it you can photograph it.

This really was mainly a list to get ME started and to not feel overwhelmed by the pressure of having to post everyday. I like the idea of a photo challenge but I personally require some direction and guidelines to help me understand what it is that I am trying to do.

I may be #latefor2022, but I think I will finish strong and have some direction for my photography.
What photographic challenges are you undertaking in 2022? Please let me know in the comments.

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