
Connecting Equestrians from Around the World

My Own Back Yard

My Own Back Yard

I’m happy to be in my own back yard.

Here, where it is safe, secure and one of the hardest decisions I have to make is whether to purchase regular butter or continue with vegan margerine (we went vegan with the marge, but, I’m making biscuits to have with our beef stew tonight). 

Hearing of people fleeing their country with just their pets, their wallets or their most cherished possessions has put a lot of things into perspective for me. What really matters.

And for me, right now it is family.

We recently took advantage of our own back yard and took a family vacay.

A full week in February in the local Village of Lockeport, NS.

My brother and his wife, my sister and her husband and Bob and I packed up and headed out for a week.

Cold Blustery Day, West Head, just outside of Lockeport

The ability to get away from the hustle and bus… HA

More like the change of scenery did us good.

Rather than spending daily ritual of the four walls of our house we stared at the inside of a cottage in a small seaside village, known for its beautiful sandy beach. Well that’s not entirely true. We spent several hours a day exploring the scenery and enjoying the town.

We walked on the beach and experienced all seasons in one week.

Freezing cold blustery days as well as t-shirt weather warm enough for barbequing steaks. The tie spent with family is to be cherished and remembered.

As the news unfolds of people escaping their country I am happy I have a safe secure backyard to enjoy and the difficult decisions are kept to a minimum.

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